The  Teachings:

(To order any of these teachings,

please go to the 'Who We Are' page,

and message me your email address,

AND which course you would like to take)

1. The 'ONE' Series




'ONE THOUGHT'  Teachings

Are All Short(3 pages or less),

Sweet, and To the Point. . . .


. . . And these are FREE!

  1. In the  'ONE WORD' , I'll spotlight one word from the Bible that can increase your understanding and change your life, all in 3 pages or less!


Learn how this One Word means so much more than 'just as if you never sinned'!


As in Old and New Testaments. Find out why the name change has contributed to America's unbelief.


We're supposed to glorify God . . But what does that REALLY mean? And how do we do it? 


We know of Grace, but to live in it every day, to recognize it, that is a totally different thing! Find out ALL that grace really is!


Lots of people study faith; but HOPE seems to always get left out. Find out how faith and hope are two sides of one hinge, and how you need both sides to be able to function well in the spiritual realm!



Learning the true meaning of this ONE little WORD changed my life, and I am sure it will change yours, too!(but can I actually teach it in under 3 pages? Read and find out!!lol!)


 It's NOT enough to just 'let it go and move on'. Find out why neglecting this ONE WORD may be what's hindering your walk with God and keeping your prayers from being answered.


Why I refuse to sing the popular song entitled 'I Surrender All', and how the word surrender is only mentioned once in the Bible!

 Read this and you might think twice before singing this song again, too. . .

There will be even more teachings in the future.  Please check back often!!



2. In the  'ONE VERSE' series:  I'll Spotlight ONE VERSE from the Bible, 

Because I'm betting you've always wondered what these verses actually mean! 

Matthew 5:48 

What does God mean when He says I have to be PERFECT??

Galatians 2:20

Location. Location. Location. This verse will wreck you . . in a really wonderful, life-changing way!

Hebrews 6:1

Things your church might  never taught you, why this information is foundational to know, and why you'll struggle understanding how to walk with God if you DON'T know these basics of the faith.

Matthew 12:36

 How NOT To Cancel Your Prayers


  1. In the 'ONE THOUGHT' series, I take a common everyday concept that we all seem to struggle with, and I run with it . . .  Biblically, of course. 

'How Walk in Victory EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!'

The Word of God mentions things that need to be done every day.  When you do them, you are doing what God has asked you. 

Miss these basics and you won't have a firm footing on which to stand and to grow.


And When You Want to Go Deeper:

These 'ONE FOUNDATION' in-depth teachings are $50 each.

They are $75 if you'd like me to do them

over the phone with you.

I'm the author of each of these teachings and have done literally years of research,

 as well as years doing them.

 the ONE FOUNDATION series:

1. 'Covenant with A King'

Praying effectively for a loved one who is in harms way, and living under constant stress requires a rock solid foundation in Christ.  But if you're an American Christian, if you've prayed to 'ask Jesus into your heart', you probably have some cracks in your foundation -  some gaps in your understanding.  The cornerstone of all my teachings, Covenant With A King will take you on an amazing trip through various Covenants of both the Old and New Testaments, opening up your understanding and giving you true 'confidence in Christ' in a way you've only dreamed possible.  If you've ever struggled with understanding the Bible, with backsliding, or a concern that God can never forgive you, Covenant With A King will teach you how to truly be a co-laborer with Christ', to know your rights and responsibilities as a Christian and to offer a glimpse of the amazing amount of strength and love that God has for you!

the ONE FOUNDATION series:

2. 'Be Unstoppable'

A teaching that has already transformed lives! 

If you have a loved one who is daily working in harm's way, or is recovering from a work-related injury, you know the constant weight of stress and worry that it puts on you and your family.  But you and your family have lives that you need to live.  It's okay to live your life to the fullest while still being connected and praying for your family who is in danger.  Be Unstoppable', walks you through, step-by-step, how to create your own specific Personal Vision Statement. Learn about how your intrinsic thinking patterns make each person unique, and how to live in harmony with others by understanding how they, too, process information.  Learn how to create Goals that reinforce your Personal Vision Statement, and more! And equally as important, you'll also learn what hinders your success, what accelerates it, and how get quickly back on track when you stumble or fail.

'Be Unstoppable!' is a 4 chapter workbook and can be done as a group or individually.

the ONE FOUNDATION series:

3. 'Prayer That Changes Lives'

Prayer is an ABSOLUTE vital lifeline for the parents and spouses of active duty military, Police, Fire, and veterans. Learn how to pray God's will with specific and targeted prayers, while nurturing your fellowship with God.   Come with me as I take you on an incredible journey as you learn the biblical way to do combat on your knees effectively, without guilt, without being bored and without getting 'weird'. Learn what will - and won't - move God into action on your behalf. 'Prayer That Changes Lives' is an intensive journey in prayer that is a total of 4 chapters and has reading and prayer assignments.  This can also be done in a group or individually, and is one that I especially love teaching over the phone.

the ONE FOUNDATION series:

4. 'The Key To Everything'

Have you ever wondered if there was a 'key' to Christianity?

 You know, that ONE THING that would make everything else fall into place?     



The Key To Everything will help you change your focus in order to change your life . . .  just as it has changed the lives of my husband and myself.   The Key To Everything will help your marriage grow stronger, without being a marriage course.  It will help improve your relationship with your children, your parents, your neighbors. Even your relationship with YOURSELF!  And don't worry if your spouse or family member isn't interested in learning with you; you can do this on your own and still get great results! 'The Key To Everything' is 4 chapters, and can be done as a group or individually. At this point, it is actually written in two parts because this takes time and introspection.  It is hard work, but it truly will change your life for the better!

 Coming Soon:

  1. the One Foundation series:

'The Book of James, the Proverbs of the New Testament'

. . . .And When You're Ready for Even More:

The Colossians 1: 28

Mentoring Program 

This program is $375.00 and entitles you to ALL of LEAVE NONE BEHIND MINISTRIES teachings,PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE!!!

The Colossians 1:28 Mentoring Program will be specifically tailored to you, for you! It's changeable and flexible.

You'll start by filling out an in-depth questioneer to find out exactly what you would like to focus on in God's word, in prayer, or better integrating God's Word into your life. You decide what you would like to get out of the Colossians 1:28 Mentoring Program, then go for it!  We can do the teachings over the phone, or on your own, or a mix of the two.  We can schedule a time(s) once a week with me for questions.  You'll also choose how long you'd like to be mentored(usually about 6-12 months). If you're willing to read several books(which you can borrow from me if you're on a tight budget, or you can purchase from amazon) AND you're willing to do the work to dig deep into God's word, then this program will bring you to a new level of maturity, wisdom, and understanding of God, HIs word, and His ways.

 *****Not sure if mentoring is for you? 

*onsider reading Hebrews 6:1-2. Make sure that you have a solid understanding of all that is in the list that is presented of the basics of Christianity. If not, and if you are serious about seeking God and digging deeper, then please consider the Colossians 1:28 Mentoring Program. 

And When You're

Ready To Soak:

The Colossians 1: 28

Mentoring Program

This program is $375.00 and entitles you to ALL OF LEAVE NONE BEHIND MINISTRIES teachings, past, present AND FUTURE!

The Colossians 1:28 Mentoring Program will be specifically tailored to you, for you! It's changeable and flexible.

You'll start by filling out an in-depth questioneer to find out exactly what you would like to focus on in God's word, in prayer, or better integrating God's Word into your life. You decide what you would like to get out of the Colossians 1:28 Mentoring Program, then go for it!  We can do the teachings over the phone, or on your own, or a mix of the two.  We can schedule a time(s) once a week with me for questions.  You'll also choose how long you'd like to be mentored(usually about 6-12 months). If you're willing to read several books(which you can borrow from me if you're on a tight budget, or you can purchase from amazon) AND you're willing to do the work to dig deep into God's word, then this program will bring you to a new level of maturity, wisdom, and understanding of God, HIs word, and His ways.

 *****Not sure if a mentoring program is for you? 

Consider reading Hebrews 6:1-2. Make sure that you have a solid understanding of all that is in the list that is presented of the basics of Christianity. If not, and if you are serious about seeking God and digging deeper, then please consider the Colossians 1:28 Mentoring Program. 

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